Plumber in Toowoomba


0421 159 765

Leon Pettet


On the Blog

19 August 2016

Higher Than Average Water Bills ?

If your Toowoomba Regional Council water rates bill seems a little high, it may mean you have a small, but insidious, water leak . If you think that your water usage pattern hasn't changed but your water usage has gone up, it’s time to do some detective work.Inspect the wet areas of your home for visible signs of dampness or water damage. If the leak has been occurring for some time there may even be an odour or smell due to mold or mildew. ​Walk around the outside of your property  and look for  any signs of moisture or dampness on  exterior walls and  the ground.​
If you don’t find any signs of leaking you can do a simple test to confirm your suspicions.
  • Shut off all the water-using appliances in your home
  • Check your water meter and write down the current reading.
  • Don’t use any water in your home for the next few hours
  •  Check the meter again,  if it has changed, its is highly likely you have a leak.
At this point, it's best to  give  us a call .  Small leaks can be difficult to find and can often turn into disaster zones, especially  if they are inside your wall or under your property.  Spending  a  few dollars now could save you thousands in the future !


Hot Water Systems

Toilets & Cisterns​

Sewer & Storm Water

Blocked Drains

Burst Pipes

​Leaking Taps

Residential Plumbing

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​Gas Fitting Services

Leon Pettet Plumbing

Ph: ​0421 159 765

BSA Licence 1187810

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